Welfare Team
While safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone within the club (led by the whole committee), having a club welfare officer (or officers) ensures the club has a dedicated person with the primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about children or adults at risk.
Club Welfare Officers play a key role in ensuring that that club members have a safe and positive experience at their club. Welfare Officers are key to all members knowing what to do and who to speak to if they have a safeguarding or discipline or conduct concern. They are also key to managing lower-level club issues and disputes, and/or flagging concerns for early intervention to prevent escalation and behaviours which prevent enjoyment of the sport. Welfare Officers also form part of the club committee and perform a key role in implementing good safeguarding governance locally at your club.
You can contact us on leadwelfare@chorltonrunners.co.uk or welfare@chorltonrunners.co.uk
More information can be found at
Ste Davison - Lead Welfare Officer
Ste is responsible for the welfare and safety of all members of the club and handles complaints and safeguarding concerns. Job Description
Russel Astle-Coates
Welfare Officer
Claire Bellis
Welfare officer
Ann Carney
Welfare Officer
Rebecca Knapton
Welfare Officer
Rosemary Mallace
Welfare Officer
Phil Moyle
Welfare Officer
Jean Rose
Welfare Officer
Ben Shevlin
Welfare Officer
Charlotte Turner
Welfare Officer
Related policies and procedures
Club Grievance and Disciplinary Policy
Useful Contacts
Club Lead Welfare Officer - Rosemary Mallace
UK Athletics - 07920 532552 / safeguarding@uka.org.uk
England Athletics - welfare@englandathletics.org
NSPCC Helpline - 0808 800 5000
Childline - 0800 1111 / www.childline.org.uk
Kidscape - www.kidscape.org.uk
Anti-Bullying Alliance - www.antibullyingalliance.org