Statement of intent
Chorlton Runners is committed to providing a caring, friendly, and safe environment for all of our members so they can participate in an inclusive sport where everyone belongs and can flourish.
Bullying can be defined as repeated behaviour which is intended to hurt someone either emotionally or physically and is often aimed at certain people because of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation, or any other aspect such as appearance or disability.
This statement relates to both online and face to face bullying. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable. Bullying takes many forms but ultimately it is the perception of the victim that determines whether or not they are being bullied rather than the intention of the bully. We expect that all volunteers and staff will work together to prevent and reduce bullying.
If bullying does occur, everyone should be able to speak up and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the club welfare officer, committee member, competition provider or England Athletics.
What is bullying?
Physical bullying, hitting, slapping, or pushing someone.
Verbal; name calling, gossiping, or threatening someone.
Non β verbal abuse; hand signs or text messages
Emotional abuse; threating, intimidating, or humiliating someone.
Undermining, constant criticism or spreading rumours.
Controlling or manipulating someone
Making silent, hoax or abuse calls
The following types of bullying are also hate crimes:
Racial, sexual, transphobic, or homophobic bullying
Bullying someone because they have a disability.
What is cyber bullying?
A peer who intimidates using a social networking website
A coach who sends negative feedback about a participant via personal text message
A club member who posts negative comments about a fellow member on a club forum. Cyber Bullying may also include threats, sexual remarks and hate speech.
E-Bullies may publish personal contact information of their victims at websites. They may
attempt to act as the victim for the purpose of publishing material in their name that would
defame or ridicule them.
Cyber Bullying is particularly serious due to the nature in which the abuse occurs. It can be very personal and take place in a closed private format where the victim may feel isolated, and the content will not be viewed by parents, friends or siblings. Alternatively, it could take place in a public format. It may lead to the victim rereading any material in private perhaps leading to feelings of paranoia, depression, or loneliness.
Related policies and procedures
Club Grievance and Disciplinary Policy
Useful Contacts
Club Welfare Officers - Rosemary Mallace and welfare officers
UK Athletics - 07920 532552 /
England Athletics -
NSPCC Helpline - 0808 800 5000
Childline - 0800 1111 /
Kidscape -
Anti-Bullying Alliance -